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Twistesee lake and water sports

Steg am Twistesee

From flood control to recreational area

In the year 1965, the rivers Twiste, Diemel and Weser flooded the area and caused millions in damage; consequently, the Hessische Wasserverband Diemel was founded on 12 September 1969 as a water management agency.

In 1972, construction started on the dam of the Twistetal reservoir, more than 20 metres high. Its primary purpose was flood control, but the plans of the water management agency also took into account that such a body of water would make a fine recreational area.

And so it is that Twistesee lake does not just offer protection from flooding; it also provides opportunities for a wide range of leisure activities.

Furthermore, free WiFi is offered at four different locations: at the Reisemobilhafen, at the Café im See, at the lido and at the Twistesee lake Vorstau.

Blick auf das Strandbad/Bootsverleih vom See aus

Fun and leisure around Twistesee lake

Facts and figures

Construction period: 1972 to 1978/79
Construction costs: 37,5 Mio. DM
Length of reservoir: 3 km
Width of reservoir: 500 m
Reservoir area: 121 ha
Water volume: 9,1 Mio. m³
Permanent dammed volume: 4,7 Mio. m³
Dam crest height: 216,4 m above sea level
Permanent dammed water level: 209,5 m above sea level
Managed by: Hessischer Wasserverband Diemel

Overnight at the lake


Bad Arolsen - Natürlich!


Stadt Bad Arolsen
- Der Magistrat -
Große Allee 24
34454 Bad Arolsen


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