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Contact and information


Touristik-Service Bad Arolsen

Whether you are looking for information on events, day trip destinations or public transport timetables – the staff at the Touristik-Service visitor information centre will be happy to help you plan your holidays in and around Bad Arolsen. If you are looking for a room, they can also put you in touch with various accommodation providers, allowing you to relax and look forward to exploring the Waldecker Land.

We are here for you!

Opening times

Monday - thursday: 9.30 - 17.00 h
Friday: 9.30 - 16.00 h


Services overview

Logo ServiceQ Deutschland
Reisen für alle
Bad Arolsen - Natürlich!


Stadt Bad Arolsen
- Der Magistrat -
Große Allee 24
34454 Bad Arolsen


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