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Schloss Landau

Schloss Landau

Former Count's castle in Bergstadt Landau

The former Count's castle can look back on almost 700 years of history. It is located on the edge of the historic old town of Landau, but just a few steps away from the town centre. Until the year 2012, the building was used as a nursing care facility for the elderly by Evangelische Altenhilfe.

Two years after the nursing home was closed, the Waldecksche Dominialverwaltung (administrative body for the Waldeck domain) sold the estate to a private hotel business. An extensive refurbishment of the castle and its outbuildings was begun in the spring of 2015. 

Weddings at the castle

In addition to private rooms, there is now a hotel with restaurant, an barn converted to a ballroom as well as an imposing hall in the castle for a variety of events and occasions. This hall is a popular venue for civil wedding ceremonies.



Location and directions


Schloss Landau

Am Grafenschloss 1-3
34454 Bad Arolsen

Bad Arolsen - Natürlich!


Stadt Bad Arolsen
- Der Magistrat -
Große Allee 24
34454 Bad Arolsen


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